Press Release: 200+ Civil Society Organisations and Trade Unions Submit Joint Comments on the Zero Draft Terms of Reference for the UN Tax Convention

The Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) submitted joint comments to the UN Ad Hoc Committee on the zero draft Terms of Reference (ToR) for a United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation (UN Tax Convention). The comments were submitted through the Civil Society Finance for Development (CS FfD) Mechanism Tax Justice Workstream which is facilitated by GATJ and Eurodad, a member of GATJ. The joint submission, signed by over 200 civil society organisations and trade unions, highlights the role of international tax cooperation in providing public resources, particularly to fulfil the international commitments related to development, human rights, and environmental protection. 

Un nuevo arquitecto para rediseñar las reglas fiscales globales / A new architecture to redesign the global tax rules

[EN Below] 📅​ Fecha: 18 y 19 julio, 2024 📍​ Lugar: Hotel NH Buenos Aires City 🖊️​ Inscríbase para participar: El objetivo de este encuentro es colocar la voz del movimiento social sobre la agenda de trabajo en Naciones Unidas por la constitución de una Convención sobre Cooperación Tributaria Internacional. Esta jornada es organizada […]

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