Mar 13 -23 2017
6:30PM - 9:00pm

Let’s Get Fiscal! Series of Talks on #TaxJustice for Women





All around the world, the rights of women and girls are being threatened by discriminatory tax policies. Loopholes and dodgy tax practices enable many wealthy elites and multinational corporations to get away with not paying their fair share of tax. As a result, government budgets are denied a the key source of funding for public services and the means to redistribute power and wealth critical to realising women’s rights and gender equality.

Now is the time to fight back, and to work together to protect the rights of women and girls everywhere. As part of the #TaxJustice for Women’s Rights Global Days of Action, DDCI will host two public events, open to anyone and everyone with an interest in economic justice and gender equality. The first will take place in Galway on Monday the 13th of March, at 18:30, at:

Galway 2020 Community Hub,

Unit 15, The Cornstore

Middle Street

The second will take place in Dublin on Thursday the 23rd of March, at 18:30, at:

Central Hotel,

Exchequer Street

Our Galway event is co-hosted by Galway One World Centre and the Galway Feminist Collective, and both events are funded by Irish Aid. The events will feature speakers Mary Cosgrove from the School of Business and Economics at NUIG and Catherine Lane from the National Women’s Council of Ireland. To register your attendance, please email

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