Eurodad International Conference 2017







Nearly 200 participants from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America gathered for three days of debates, workshops, presentations and networking at the Eurodad Conference “Alternative Policies for a sustainable world”.

The Conference, co-hosted by Latindadd, ActionAid Netherlands, Both ENDS, OIKOS, Oxfam Novib and SOMO, was held in Den Haag, the Netherlands, last week.

The event brought together leading civil society thinkers from around the globe working on issues including debt, tax justice, aid, private finance, the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and global monetary reform who discussed alternative policies for a sustainable world, better ways of financing global development and strengthening global economic regulation and governance.

Full presentations, notes and recordings from the key sessions will be available shortly, but in the meantime you can watch the highlights video and slideshow.

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