Human Rights and Tax in an Unequal World

Website On September 22-23, 2016, the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) at NYU School of Law will host an international conference entitled Human Rights and Tax in an Unequal World. The conference is the centerpiece of CHRGJ’s broader initiative to promote scholarship and public debate on the relationship between inequality, the global economy, […]

Toward A Sustainable Economy: Transparency, Long-Termism, and the SEC

Website Cosponsored by AFLCIO, AFR, CAP, CERES, FACT, ICAR, Patriotic Millionaire, Public Citizen, and USSIF, the event will be focused on the need for more corporate disclosure, and for the SEC to act on the demands of investors to provide it in multiple arenas. Issues like corporate political disclosure, climate change disclosure, human capital disclosure, […]

Toward A Sustainable Economy: Transparency, Long-Termism, and the SEC

Cosponsored by AFLCIO, AFR, CAP, CERES, FACT, ICAR, Patriotic Millionaire, Public Citizen, and USSIF, the event will be focused on the need for more corporate disclosure, and for the SEC to act on the demands of investors to provide it in multiple arenas. Issues like corporate political disclosure, climate change disclosure, human capital disclosure, tax reporting disclosure, derivatives disclosure and more will be highlighted.

Tax Justice and Women’s Unpaid Care Labor

This session of the 13th International Forum of the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) aims to discuss gender biases in tax systems caused by the fact that women’s care labor remain undervalued. The failure to regard women’s work as “income in kind” has only allowed capitalists to gain tax benefits and deprive women of what they truly need.

Blog Action Day

Tax campaigner activists, supported by over 20 organisations across Europe and the Global South as part of the EU project Tax Justice Together, are writing blogs to outline why they are campaigning in support of tax justice and why it is important to encourage young European citizens to be aware of issues around

3º Acampamento do Levante Popular da Juventude

O Levante Popular da Juventude é uma organização de jovens voltada para a luta de massas em busca da transformação da sociedade. Somos a juventude que não baixa a cabeça para as injustiças e desigualdades.

Second high-level symposium on beneficial ownership transparency

Tax Justice Network together with Argentina’s Anti-Corruption Office, Argentina’s General Prosecution Office (Ministerio Público Fiscal), the Central Bank and other NGOs including Fundación SES, Red de Justicia Fiscal LAC, Latindadd and CIPCE will host a two-day event involving government and civil society concerning the need for registries of beneficial ownership (click here to see full program in spanish). The second edition of this event which first took place in 2015, will be held again at one of the main halls of Argentina’s Central Bank and will be one of the principal gatherings of government agencies and NGOs from the region to discuss this topic.