AUG 31 - 1 2016
9:00AM - 6:30PM

Second high-level symposium on beneficial ownership transparency





(ESP) Jornadas internacionales de Diálogo entre Gobierno y Sociedad :
Registro de beneficiarios finales y su vinculación con el lavado de dinero y la evasión fiscal

(ENG) Second high-level symposium on beneficial ownership transparency

Organizan: Latindadd, Fundación SES, Tax Justice Network, Banco Central y Ministerio Público de Argentina. 

Contacto: Carlos Bedoya, Alonso Paz (Latindadd) y Adrián Falco (Fundación SES)

Contact email (ESPAÑOL) : alonsopaz@latindadd

Contact email (ENGLISH): [email protected]


Tax Justice Network together with Argentina’s Anti-Corruption Office, Argentina’s General Prosecution Office (Ministerio Público Fiscal), the Central Bank and other NGOs including Fundación SESRed de Justicia Fiscal LACLatindadd and CIPCE will host a two-day event involving government and civil society concerning the need for registries of beneficial ownership (click here to see full program in spanish). The second edition of this event which first took place in 2015, will be held again at one of the main halls of Argentina’s Central Bank and will be one of the principal gatherings of government agencies and NGOs from the region to discuss this topic.

Public officials from major Argentine government agencies will participate both as speakers and audience, including the commercial registry (IGJ), the tax authority (AFIP), the Central Bank, the General Prosecution Office (MPF), the Securities Exchange Commission (CNV), the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF), and among others, the Anti-corruption office. Latin American authorities from Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Peru will also take part. On the civil society side Tax Justice Network, Fundación SES, Latindadd, Cefid-ar, CIPCE, ACIJ and others will also participate as panelists.

The event is public and will take place at the Central Bank’s Bosch Hall (salón Bosch).


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