Capacitación en Flujos Ilícitos

Organizaciones de la sociedad civil y sindicatos de latinoamerica se reúnen a problematizar y a compartir experiencias y estrategias sobre FFI y cómo combatirlos

World Social Forum 2016

The World Social Forum (WSF) is the largest gathering of civil society to find solutions to the problems of our time. Started in 2001 in Brazil, the WSF brings together in each of its edition tens of thousands of participants to more than a thousand activities (workshops, conferences, artistic performances …) on

UNCTAD CSO XIV Forum: Investment & Tax Treaties– Impact On Domestic Policy Space & Revenue Mobilization

There is a widespread consensus across multilateral and development institutions that “harmful tax competition” and the ensuing tax incentives to attract FDI are detrimental to enhancing Domestic Resource Mobilisation. However, it is less so recognised that Double Tax Agreements (DTAs) and investment agreements take place within the context of tax competition and include implicit and explicit elements of tax incentives. Revisiting existing

PSI Tax Justice & Gender Forum

GATJ committed partner Public Services International (PSI) gathers 30 participants from PSI affiliated unions, and coalition partners from all five continents for this two-days Forum, around the following objectives:

Research Workshop: Corruption And The Role Of Tax Havens

Why: In May 2016, there will be a global corruption summit held in London. Ahead of this conference, the Association for Accountancy & Business Affairs, City University, and the Tax Justice Network, are organising a research-led workshop on corruption and the role of tax havens.

Press Freedom and Corruption in Zimbabwe

Threats to freedom of press are considered an equal threat to the transparency, accountability and integrity needed to combat corruption in any country. Zimbabwe’s free and independent journalists are needed to shine a light on the reality of their society, yet in a country ruled by restrictive laws and an authoritative state private and opposition press are limited every single day.

Foul Play: Corruption in Sport

Sport is a multi-billion dollar business, with intricate ties to political and private interests. As we navigate through the current wave of allegations of corruption in football, athletics, cricket and global sports governance in general, there has never been a more appropriate time to discuss the ways that sports are vulnerable to corruption, and the detrimental effect that this abuse of power can have on the sector

Conference: No Taxes, No Development

Tax revenues from the domestic economy play a key role in a country’s economic development. They are the only way to sustainably finance public infrastructure. In particular, the countries of the Global South depend heavily on corporate taxes, especially on those paid by few multinational companies. Yet these companies tend to avoid tax payments at the place of production on a vast scale. Local tax authorities can hardly keep up with the well-equipped tax