Apr 28-29 2016
10:00am - 5:00pm

Research Workshop: Corruption And The Role Of Tax Havens




When: April 28th – 29th 2016

Why: In May 2016, there will be a global corruption summit held in London. Ahead of this conference,  the Association for Accountancy & Business AffairsCity University, and the Tax Justice Network, are organising a research-led workshop on corruption and the role of tax havens.

How: Open-minded debate and discussion to generate ideas and proposals to inform and shape the political initiatives and campaigns already under way

Topics: The role of secrecy jurisdictions in corrupting the entire global financial system. The role of professional ‘enablers’ in constructing and protecting the system. How secrecy jurisdictions can provide a criminogenic interface facilitating corruption and corrupting activities, and illicit financial flows. Other related themes are likely to emerge as the workshop programme develops ahead of the global summit.

Who: Researchers, academics, journalists, policy staff of civil society organisations, activists, consultants and professionals, elected politicians and/or their researchers, and government or international organisation officials.

There will be a small charge for attendance at the Workshop. Participants are usually expected to finance their own travel although applications from students and others with limited means for bursary support will be considered.


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