SEP 12 2018
8:45AM - 6:45PM

Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators





The European Union confronts expanded inequalities across a range of areas from gender, to generational, wealth, mobility and opportunity. One underlying factor common to these expanded inequalities is deficiencies in fiscal systems. The ‘Combatting Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators’ (COFFERS) project seeks to redress these deficiencies as policy innovation at national, regional and international levels undergoes a period of accelerated development.

As a part of the Impact dimension (WP7) of the COFFERS project the project team is offering a high-level course. The course is coordinated by Professor Richard Murphy and Professor Duncan Wigan and targets those working on tax issues within the public and private spheres in Europe.


Find the course outline here and application form here

If you have any questions regarding the COFFERS project, please contact the project coordinator prof. dr. Brigitte Unger at COFFERS is partnered in collaboration with the FairTax EU project.


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