AUG 13 2021
12:00AM - 11:45PM

Festival to Fight Inequality 2021





The Festival to Fight Inequality is a digital shelter, a space for the growing social movement to reconnect and recharge around our common struggles and solutions. Join thousands of activists from all over the world, connecting for two days in five languages to organise, reimagine and strategise together for a recovery from Covid-19 that supercharges the fight against inequality. Together in plenaries, Festival Sessions, movement building spaces, skill shares, with arts and music. Let’s create an avalanche of protest to build a just, equal and sustainable future for all. Check out the complete agenda.

The Global Alliance for Tax Justice, its Southern regional networks Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe (RJFALC)Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) and Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia (TAFJA), and members Latindadd and APMDD, will co-organise a round table discussion on the global minimum tax and its impacts on developing countries. 

Session: Finally a “global tax deal”? Is it a hit or a miss?
Date: Saturday, 14 August 2021
Time: 7:35 am Buenos Aires / 1:35 pm Nairobi / 6:35 pm Manila


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