JUN 17 2019
9:00AM - 6:00PM

Fight Inequality Alliance global gathering





Please complete the online registration form for the meeting here. Please note that participants must be able to cover their own costs unless agreed with the global secretariat. 

Background on the alliance

With inequality reaching levels not seen for a century there is a need for urgent action, but there is already cause for optimism. Around the world, extraordinary people are fighting inequality – from women garment workers in Bangladeshi factories fighting for the living wage; to youth activists in Zambia fighting for mining companies to pay their fair share of tax that funds public schools and health clinics; to indigenous communities fighting to prevent fossil fuel companies destroying their land.


The Fight Inequality Alliance is growing to stand in solidarity with their struggles. It’s building an alliance to bring struggles together and go further to counter the excessive concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a small elite and achieve a just, equal and sustainable world. This meeting falls at an important time as the alliance grows in its strength to create change.



The global gathering (16-20 June) will take place near Kitwe, Zambia (a transfer will be provided from Ndola airport for the drive to the venue). Please complete the online registration form for the meeting here. You must arrive in Ndola on 16 June for transfer to the venue, and you will be ready to leave on 20 June. 

(Pan African gathering directly before this meeting).


Due to budget constraints we are looking for participants to be self-funding (flights, accommodation, transfer, etc). Please do not register unless you are able to cover your costs.



The global gathering will bring together existing members, those involved in convening national and regional alliances, existing networks, new organisations, artists/musicians, social movement leaders and friends who can provide challenge and support to our collective thinking from a wide range of countries.


The global gathering will:

  • take action locally to add global solidarity and strength to our national allies’ demands      
  • set direction for the alliance for 2020 onwards (from national to regional to international level)
  • build our national level alliance campaigning – learn from each other, and build on synergies
  • plan for upcoming global mobilisations
  • develop our ways of organising
  • build stronger and more diverse relationships amongst us

A detailed agenda for the meeting will be prepared shortly for input from participants

Contact Fatima Vally with any queries on logistics


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