Jan 18 - 25 2019
8:30AM - 11:30PM

Fight Inequality Alliance Week of Action 2019




This coming January, Fight Inequality allies in countries around the world will highlight how people’s solutions are the way to tackle the root causes of inequality. We know that the solutions to inequality will never come from the super-rich talking to each other at the exclusive Davos World Economic Forum! Corporations and the one percent have too much influence. The focus of the Fight Inequality Alliance members is instead to build up ordinary people’s collective power.

The centrepiece event in 2018 was a people’s assembly and concert at Dandora slum in Nairobi, which is built on a huge rubbish dump. See this video and this video and this news piece by Reuters for a sense of what took place there and how it combined gathering people’s solutions to inequality, communicating issues through music and arts, and helping visibly demonstrate people’s power. The ambition in 2019 is to help connect movement-building moments like that across the world in the excluded parts of cities such as Manilla, Jakarta, Delhi, Joburg, Nairobi, Tunis, Dakar, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, London and Washington DC, where urban communities hit by obscene inequality are organising to build their power and take it on – as powerful a visible demonstration of people’s collective mobilisation and organising to resist the unjust distribution of wealth and power. Read the planning guide here. Any feedback or questions please email [email protected].


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