OCT 10 2018
9:00AM - 10:30AM

Forum: CSO perspectives on Operationalising Gender and Income Inequality at the IMF




On Wednesday, October 10, the Bretton Woods Project is hosting a panel event at the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group, in Bali, Indonesia:

CSO perspectives on Operationalising Gender and Income Inequality at the IMF. 

During this panel, Rachel Noble from ActionAid will present a new briefing on tax and gender titled “Short-changed: How the IMFs tax policies are failing women“.

The IMF recently published staff guidance notes on operationalising gender and economic inequality issues into its work. This session will delve into the lessons learned from feminist economist and economic justice communities to guide the IMF’s approach and join the discussion on the role it plays in inequalities.

Chair: Emma Burgisser (Bretton Woods Project)

Panellists: Dr. Patricia Munoz Cabrera (Wide+), Rachel Noble (ActionAid UK), Chiara Mariotti (Oxfam GB), and Kalpana Kochhar, (Director, Human Resources Department IMF)

Read more about ActionAid’s recommendations for how the IMF could improve its advice around gender-responsive fiscal policies here.

(The Annual Meetings and related events, seminars, and meetings will be held in Bali Nusa Dua, Indonesia from Monday, October 8, through Sunday, October 14. More information about venues and schedule here).


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