OCT 2-3 2018
9:30AM- 4:00PM

#StopTheBleeding 2-day seminar in South Africa





StopTheBleeding 2-day seminar

Strategies to combat illicit financial flows, base erosion and profit shifting:

On October 2nd and 3rd, 2018 the Alternative Information & Development Centre (AIDC) will be hosting a 2-day seminar discussing strategies to combat illicit financial flows, base erosion and profit shifting.

The sessions and case studies program is available here.

“Around the world we are seeing the growing power of transnational corporations (TNCs). This is evident in the fact that 69 out of the top 100 economies are corporations. TNCs are using their growing power to undermine the sovereignty of nation states, in consolidating their power as the real rulers of the world. These corporations are able to further entrench their power by shifting profits to tax havens and secrecy jurisdictions where they hide their wealth.

South Africa loses billions of Rands every year due to illicit practices by Transnational Corporations seeking to evade paying their fair share in wages and taxes. If these resources were retained in the country, it could be redirected toward not only creating jobs, providing decent education, health-care and basic services but also to improve workers wages.




Therefore a crucial task for South African CSOs, trade unions and various state institutions is to properly problematize illicit financial flows in the South African context and develop the appropriate responses to curb IFFs and BEPS. To this end the South African Chapter of the Stop the Bleeding Campaign, will coordinate different initiatives aimed at curbing IFF’s and BEPS from SA.”



+2721 447 5770


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