MAR 11 2015
12:30PM - 6:00PM

Tax Justice for Gender Equality




Tax Justice for Gender Equality: Capacity – building session for women’s rights advocates & activists ActionAid International, Center for Economic & Social Rights, Center for Human Rights and Global Justice and Christian Aid invite you to a capacity building session on tax justice for gender equality on 11th March 2015 in New York. Tax policies and practices have a profound impact on the extent to which women are able to realize their rights and on progress towards gender equality. How much tax is collected, in what ways, and from whom, affect women’s income and economic security, the accessibility and quality of the services they rely on, and their social status. The session aims at supporting women’s rights advocates and activists in engaging with issues of tax justice in their work and will explore the key advocacy opportunities that we have in 2015 to advance this agenda. The workshop is tailored to activists and advocates working on women’s rights, in particular: o Economic justice o Right to work o Unpaid care work o Sexual & reproductive health and rights o Access to essential services, including education and health Time Session 12:30-1:00 Arrival and registration 1:00-1:15 Welcome and introduction to the training 1:15-2:15 Introducing the links between tax and women’s rights · Where are women in the economy? · Key idea: Tax is critical to women’s rights and gender equality 2:15 -3:15 Mobilizing domestic resources for rights realization and gender equality · Who is paying tax? · Explain terms such as regressive vs. progressive taxation; indirect and direct taxation · Who are the key advocacy targets at the national level · Case study: negative impacts of regressive tax mix on women’s rights 3:15-3:30 Break and refreshments 3:30-4:30 Tax abuses and the international dimension · Following the money: the enablers and effects of tax abuses and illicit financial flows · Tax competition · Who are the key players and who has power? · What progress has been made so far and where are the gaps? · How can we address tax abuse & illicit financial flows? · Who are the advocacy targets? 4:30-5:30 International advocacy on taxation and women’s rights · Upcoming opportunities and entry points, including the post-2015 and FFD negotiations · Overview of 2015 calendar as a critical year for international advocacy · Explain the link between national advocacy and international processes · Tools and tactics for advocacy: language, data and persuasion 5:30-5:45 Closing and wrap-up 5:45 – onwards Drinks!

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