JUL 15 2015
8:15AM - 9:45AM

Tax justice for social justice




Third International Conference on Financing for Development – CSO side event Taxes are arguably the most important source of government revenue to implement public policies to redistribute wealth and realize human rights, achieve equality, and strengthen governance and accountability. Taxation is critical to financing for development. It’s a powerful tool for poverty reduction – enabling sustainable investment in public services, infrastructure and other development needs. While the problems are systemic, solutions include ensuring all countries have an equal say in deciding fairer international tax rules, curbing tax avoidance, eliminating illicit financial flows, ending harmful tax incentives and ‘tax wars’, and building progressive and effective national tax systems. Featured speakers: Thabo Mbeki, former President, South Africa; Chair, High-Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa Joseph Stiglitz, Economist; Commissioner, Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Alicia Bárcena, UN Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Latin America & the Caribbean More may be announced CSO intervenors: Pamela Chisanga, ActionAid Zambia Jorge Coronado, Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe, Latindadd Gugu Ndebele, Save the Children South Africa Everline Aketch, National Union of Educational Institutions /Public Services International, Uganda Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director, Oxfam International (tbc) Moderator Dereje Alemayehu, Chair, Global Alliance for Tax Justice Organizing partners: This event is organized by the Addis Ababa CSO Coordinating Group and the Women’s Working Group on FfD, on behalf of the CSO FfD Group. Facilitating organizations are led by the Global Alliance for Tax Justice [Tax Justice Network-Africa; la Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe (hosted by Latindadd); Asia Alliance for Tax Justice (hosted by Jubilee South – Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development); Tax Justice-Europe (hosted by Eurodad); North America Alliance (hosted by The FACT Coalition/TJN-USA, and Canadians for Tax Fairness)]; together with ActionAid, Christian Aid, Global Policy Forum, Oxfam, Public Services International, Save the Children, and Society for International Development. For more information, please contact: [email protected] UN FfD event link

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