NOV 25 2021
9:00AM - 6:00PM

Tax Justice Network Africa: Repositioning the Africa Mining Vision as a Robust Domestic Resource Mobilisation Tool Post Covid-19




The Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), through its Stop the Bleeding campaign, will hold a two-day conference on extractive sector and domestic resource mobilisation, aiming to bring together different stakeholders – government, civil society, media, academia, legislators and communities – and facilitate country, regional and Global South level sharing of lessons and insights on addressing illicit financial flows and tax abuse in the extractives sector.

The conference integrates the activities in commemoration of the Global Days of Action for Tax Justice in the Extractive Industry, which will take place on 25-26 November 2021 and will be an opportunity for civil society organisations, academics and activists to jointly call on our governments and authorities to make the extractive sector pay their share of taxes and contribute to the realisation of human rights. 

Repositioning the Africa Mining Vision as a Robust Domestic Resource Mobilisation Tool Post Covid-19
Date: Thursday and Friday, 25-26 November, 2021
Time: 9 AM East Africa Time


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