OCT 13 2017

Tax Justice Network Africa’s 10th-y anniversary celebrations





Development Forgone: Tackling the Haemorrhaging of Public Money in Africa

Tax justice has been increasingly incorporated into the development debate in Africa and is receiving great attention in the discussion about financing for development beyond 2015, as set by the MDGs. 2015 was a landmark year for the African continent with the adoption by African Heads of States and Government of the report by the High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa in January 2015.

Since the coming together of the great minds who conceptualised TJNA in 2007, the work  of the Network has evolved from convening and coordinating to more research- based advocacy and capacity building. Established following the 2007 World Social Forum the decade has seen the organisation grow in leaps, transforming from a one-man show to a network of 31 organisations across 16 countries in Africa. The Nairobi- based Secretariat has also grown to comprise 16 staff drawn from different nationalities from across the continent.

Key moments for TJNA in its first decade include (among others):

The objectives of the tenth- year anniversary celebrations are to:

  1. To showcase the evolution of the tax justice movement in Africa over the past 10 years through a photographic exhibition and publications display and dissemination.
    2. To evaluate TJNA’s achievements by engaging our member and partner organisations in journey reflections over the decade.
    3. To provide a platform for key stakeholders to reflect on past successes in tax justice advocacy in Africa and map out existing policy opportunities for tax justice within the broader context of financing Africa’s development agenda.

Useful Links

More information here.


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