Asia: “8 ways by which women are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic”







The Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s regional network member in Asia, Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia, counts with a vibrant and creative #GenderEquality working group: Women for Tax Justice.

Last year, these inventive campaigners had organised the 8-month long #8for8 social media campaign online, to raise awareness on tax justice for women’s rights. For eight months on every 8th of the month, TAFJA members and supporters posted their selfies while carrying a placard that shows the key message for each month, from August 2018 to February 2019.


This year, Women for Tax Justice had initiatied a #8for8 photo journal challenge to engage women on its Facebook page. With the current limitations brought about by the COVID-19 challenge, the message has been adapted, and the page now provides information on how “women are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic”.

The inputs, which will be progressively released, already addressed the following challenges:

  1. Increased Care Work
  2. Increased Violence Against Women (VAW)
  3. Cutting back on Gender-Responsive Programs


Watch out for the other posts, and engage with our Asian colleagues, by liking and following the Women for Tax Justice Facebook page!

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