Canada needs more progressive fiscal policies to reach gender equality







In the context of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s Global Days of Action on #TaxJustice for #WomensRights, titled “Make Taxes Work for Women!”, Canadians for tax Fairness published an editorial titled “Canada needs more progressive fiscal policies to reach gender equality”.

“Despite introducing measures to advance gender equality, the federal government’s actions have only gone so far. Canada still has one of the largest gender wage gaps of all OECD countries.  Canadian women are primarily performing the ‘second shift’ of unpaid labour that goes into childrearing and running a household – resulting in  longer hours of work than their peers in many other G7 countries. To top it off, Canada continues to have among the least affordable childcare of wealthy countries. We clearly haven’t reached gender equality, but with the 2020 budget weeks away, Canada has an opportunity to make the necessary fiscal reforms to get closer”.

Among the measures proposed by Canadians for tax Fairness are:

  • Invest in the “care economy”
  • Make the tax system fairer—and less sexist
  • Re-invest in public services and getting everyone to pay their fair share
  • Ensure women receive the benefits they need

“Canadian women have made important strides in the past century, but we need more significant feminist fiscal reform, or we’ll be waiting another 100 years for gender equality”, Canadians for tax Fairness warn.

You can read the full blog on Canadians for Tax Fairness’ website.


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