Femme Fiscale: “We love our taxes!”

Femme Fiscale, a network of feminist initiatives working on budgeting, tax policies and gender justice in Austria, designed a campaign titled “Wir lieben Steuern” – “We love taxes” – to participate in the Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s Global Days of Action for #TaxJustice for Women’s Rights, which ran from March 8 to 20, 2020, under the theme “Make taxes Work for Women!”.


Wir lieben Steuern” circulated different messages regarding “why we love taxes”: Femme Fiscale produced informative leaflets for civil society and the general public, based on those messages, and addressed their Finance Minister in street protests:


“Now it turns out that our tax dollars are the important rescue anchor! We all contribute to bailouts with our taxes. It is high, high time that the rich in Austria finally made a fair contribution. Wealth tax now! Inheritance tax now!”


They also collaborated with Beigewum, an Austrian progressive economics NGO, who produced a factsheet titled “No social state without tax!”, highlighting the link between taxes and essential services. You can also see their comics-looking factsheet, distributed with ATTAC Austria, here.