GDOA Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2024: Campaign Programme


12 March 2024



12 March 2024


During the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2024, which will take place from 18 to 22 March, the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ), regional networks, and partner organizations will engage in virtual, hybrid, and in-person events. We invite you to register and participate in all the events on the campaign program.

We will update the program in the coming days, so stay tuned for more information!


Monday, 18 March 2024

Campaign launch event – GDOA Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2024

Time: 2 to 3 pm Central European time

Organisers: Global Alliance for Tax Justice, Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe, Tax Justice Network Africa, Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia, Canadians for Tax Fairness, FACT Coalition, and Tax Justice-Europe

About: The 8th edition of GATJ’s annual #MakeTaxWorkForWomen campaign will start with an online event gathering representatives from the alliance’s regional networks. Speakers will comment on the current status of tax and gender advocacy in their regions and the relevance of this year’s theme “Taxing Fairly for Gender-Transformative Care”, to advance the broader fights for tax and gender justice. 

Register to join: 


Making Taxes Work for Women: Key Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Countries, and for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS in particular

Time: 3-4:15 pm EST

Organisers: Nepal-LDC Chair Botswana-LLDC Chair Samoa – SIDS Chair UN-OHRLLS and LDC Watch
Co-Organizers: Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD) Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN), South Asian Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE)

About: This an official CSW68 side event.

Venue: Conference hall CR-D
, New York City


Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Financing the care economy – Why is it important for the Rights-Based Economy?

Time: 1 to 2pm CET/ 8 to 9 am NY time

Languages: English/Spanish

Organisers: Financial Transparency Coalition (FTC), Asian People’s Movement for Debt and Development (APMDD), Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability(CBGA), Christian Aid, Latindadd, and  Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA)

About: The urgency of increasing finance in care is more indispensable than ever. The post-pandemic fragile economic situations and the spiralling cost of living crisis are making the lives of poor, marginalized, and women more vulnerable. Several studies by the feminist’s economists, several UN bodies have highlighted the importance of investing in the care economy and its both explicit and implicit contributions toward reducing gender inequality and overall poverty alleviation, but they also show that the financing for the care economy is lacking. However, new research from the Financial Transparency Coalition and its members presents government expenditures on the care economy in Global South countries and shows how increasing finances on care economy can be an alternative to a corporate-driven growth model. From a rights-based economy perspective, the event will argue that the realisation of human rights through revenue mobilization, gender equality through tackling unpaid care and domestic work, and greater participation of women in all facets of society are visions that are gaining ground.

How to join


Progressive Taxation and Feminist Financing Mechanisms to Address Inequality and the Root Causes of Conflict

Time: 12:30–2:00 pm EST

Organisers: Asian People’s Movement for Debt and Development (APMDD) and Oxfam

About: In person, CSW68 Parallel Event

Venue: CCUN 8th Floor, New York


Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Framing Feminist Taxation for Financing for Care

Time: 11am to 12:30 pm Central European time

Organisers: Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ), Gender and Development Network (GADN), Public Services International (PSI), International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW-AP), International Budget Partnership (IBP), Amnesty International, Latindadd, Akina Mama wa Afrika, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Argentina, Financial Transparency Coalition (FTC), Christian Aid, Development Alternatives for a New Era (DAWN),  Green Tax Youth Africa.

About: Sharing early insights from the upcoming third volume of the Framing Feminist Taxation Guide, this event will provide perspectives into the critical role that tax systems play in financing a fairer and more equitable social organisation of care. Speakers will present case studies from Africa, Latin America and Asia-Pacific; highlighting key messages for policy-making and movement building. 

Register to join:


Gender transformative financing for education

Time: 2 to 3:30pm Central European Time

Organisers: Tax and Education Alliance, ActionAid, Tax Justice Network, Education International, Global Campaign for Education

About: This virtual parallel event will explore the vital link between progressive, gender-sensitive tax reforms and gender-responsive spending for public education.

Register to join:


Financing for Gender Equality – Turning the lens to International Financial Institutions

Time: 3pm to 4:15pm Central European Time

Organisers: Global Alliance for Tax Justice, Gender Action

About: This session will examine the gendered impacts of project funding by multilateral development. Case studies to be analysed include the New Development Bank’s Lesotho Highlands Water Project, the AIIB’s Indian Gujarat Project (subsequently canceled), and the World Bank’s Eskom Project; all of which indicate to a broader failure of international financial institutions to adequately finance gender equality initiatives in the global south.

Register to join:



Thursday, 21 March 2024

The Nexus of Taxation and Gender with a focus on Social Policies

Time: 11am to 1pm Central European Time

Organisers: Transparency and Accountability in Totality-Follow Taxes

About: This webinar aims to delve into the intersectionality (culture, religion, demography, socio-economic norms) of tax equity, particularly how tax policies impact various demographic clusters such as women, men, Persons with Disabilities (PWD), and marginalized groups differently. By examining the effects of taxation on different clusters of society, the webinar seeks to foster a deeper understanding of tax equity and advocate for policies that promote fairness and inclusivity using social policies as a tool.

Register to join:


Taxing for Care: Towards Green and Caring Economies

Time: 2pm to 3pm  Central European Time

Organisers: Akina Mama wa Afrika

About: AMwA will host a podcast “Taxing for Care: Towards Green and Caring Economies” to explore the intricate relationship between tax justice, the care economy and climate justice. Specifically, this conversation will provide a historical analysis and Pan African feminist perspective on the role of progressive tax systems in fostering green and caring economies that centre structurally excluded communities. Focusing on topics such as the just transition and transformative care policies, the podcast will bring together feminist thought leaders to unpack prevailing narratives that have shaped the current political economy and impacted the social organisation of care in the face of the climate crisis. Further, it will offer a space for dreaming and sharing the feminist vision for just care economies in Africa.

How to join: TBC


Friday, 22 March 2024

Campaign closing event –  GDOA Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2024

Time:  2 to 3:30 pm Central European time

Organisers: Global Alliance for Tax Justice

About: To close off the GDOA on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2024, join us for this interactive event to exchange insights and lessons learnt from the campaign, while also exploring emerging opportunities for collaborative action in advancing fair taxation for gender-transformative care. The event will also serve as a platform to celebrate the new Tax and Gender Working Group 2024-2028 Strategy, discuss the next steps in the working group’s campaign, policy advocacy and movement-building efforts.

Register to join:

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