May 2017 TaxCast: “Britain’s second colonial empire”

The last Tax Justice Network’s Podcast, Taxcast, is out, hot off the press!

This 65th edition is titled “Britain’s Second Empire” and is, as always, produced and presented by Naomi Fowler, who says: “In the May 2017 Taxcast: We talk to film director Michael Oswald about his new film The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire. Listen for details on how you can see the film. Also, we discuss

  • booming Sweden’s ‘reverse-Trumpism’: the Swedish economy grew almost twice as fast as the US last year – and it wasn’t achieved through cutting taxes.
  • the Russian Parliament is considering sweeteners that would accelerate Crimea’s progress along the tax haven and secrecy jurisdiction route”.



You can also listen to it on youtube here, on iTunes here, download it directly onto your cell phone/mobile device, tablet or computer to listen offline anytime here (right click and ‘save link as’)

The full Taxcast playlist is here, going all the way back to 2012.