“Tax Havens, a battle to pursue”

Claude Vaillancourt, ATTAC Québec’s president, published a blog ahead of the Global Week of Action #EndTaxHavens, in the Huffington Post Québec.

The blog, titled “Paradis fiscaux, une lutte à poursuivre” (“Tax Havens, a battle to pursue“) is written in French.

“April 3, introduces Vaillancourt, will mark the first anniversary of the public release of Panama Papers. This considerable leak made it possible to better understand the extent of tax evasion and avoidance in offshore centers. Because of this phenomenon, states are deprived of billions of dollars as they apply painful fiscal austerity measures around the world. Since the revelation of this scandal, we have been entitled to several beautiful statements from our governments claiming to act against this problem. But much remains to be done”.

You can read the whole blog here.