UK: “building a better tax system to benefit everyone”

On 25 October, Tax Justice UK published ‘Tax Takes’, a report setting out some initial ideas about ways in which the UK tax system could be reformed to make it work better for the whole of the population, by making it both more progressive and more effective.

To “fix UK’s tax system”, the report proposes several measures:

  • Tax Takes 1: Championing the role of tax in building a civilised and fair society
  • Tax Takes 2: Stopping ‘competition’ for corporate investment through tax cuts and giveaways
  • Tax Takes 3: Taxing the new economy
  • Tax Takes 4: Supporting social spending to reduce gender inequality
  • Tax Takes 5: Drawing the links between social justice, tax justice and transparency
  • Tax Takes 6: Resourcing and refocusing HMRC
  • Tax Takes 7: Requiring companies to calculate & submit figures on deliberately created tax risk
  • Tax Takes 8: Addressing the tax gap by creating Office for Tax Responsibility & Ministry of Tax
  • Tax Takes 9: Abolishing non-domiciled status

You can dowload the report here. You can also watch and listen to this episode of Tax Justice UK’s podcast with Sol Picciotto of the BEPS Monitoring Group (Technical Advisor to Tax Justice UK, and Emeritus Professor at Lancaster University Law School), discussing his chapter in  the ‘Tax Takes’ report, “Stopping ‘competition’ for corporate investment through tax cuts and giveaways”.

On 25 October, Tax Justice UK published ‘Tax Takes’, a report setting out some initial ideas about ways in which the UK tax system could be reformed to make it work better for the whole of the population, by making it both more progressive and more effective.

To “fix UK’s tax system”, the report proposes several measures:

  • Tax Takes 1: Championing the role of tax in building a civilised and fair society
  • Tax Takes 2: Stopping ‘competition’ for corporate investment through tax cuts and giveaways
  • Tax Takes 3: Taxing the new economy
  • Tax Takes 4: Supporting social spending to reduce gender inequality
  • Tax Takes 5: Drawing the links between social justice, tax justice and transparency
  • Tax Takes 6: Resourcing and refocusing HMRC
  • Tax Takes 7: Requiring companies to calculate & submit figures on deliberately created tax risk
  • Tax Takes 8: Addressing the tax gap by creating Office for Tax Responsibility & Ministry of Tax
  • Tax Takes 9: Abolishing non-domiciled status

You can dowload the report here. You can also watch and listen to this episode of Tax Justice UK’s podcast with Sol Picciotto of the BEPS Monitoring Group (Technical Advisor to Tax Justice UK, and Emeritus Professor at Lancaster University Law School), discussing his chapter in  the ‘Tax Takes’ report, “Stopping ‘competition’ for corporate investment through tax cuts and giveaways”.

Tax Justice UK (TJUK) is a campaigning and advocacy organisation that works to promote the role of tax, to advocate for a more progressive tax system, and to campaign against tax avoidance. ‘Tax Takes’ is TJUK’s first report since the national organisation was launched only
six months ago, with the support of the Tax Justice Network and a range of other UK-based international NGOs, think tanks and tax campaigners.

Since its launch, TJUK has also published an analysis of the tax policies in the general election manifestos of the main UK political parties. TJUK will soon be launching a campaign called Fair Share, focusing on ensuring that multinational companies pay more tax by reforming the UK tax system and clamping down on tax avoidance.
Please contact TJUK’s Director Will Snell if you would like more information.