MAR 2 - 9 2017
6:30PM - 7:15PM

#TaxJustice for Women’s Rights photo exhibition




This powerful photo exhibition will explore the real impact tax injustice has on women. Developing countries lose hundreds of billions to corporate tax dodging every single year, robbing the world’s poorest women of their health, safety from violence, access to education and employment and equality, while weighing them down with unpaid care work. When tax avoidance and tax breaks starve public services of funding, it’s women and girls who pay the highest price.

Three African tax justice activists will launch the exhibition, sharing their stories. These inspiring women, from Zambia, Kenya and Nigeria are leading the fight for tax justice in some of the world’s poorest communities. You can read their bios here.

Launch date: 6.30pm on Thursday the 2nd  of March

Cost: Free


Featuring stunning images and personal stories from Zambia, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Liberia, the photo exhibition will be on display in Filmbase from the 2nd – 9th of March.

The exhibition will mark International Women’s Day on March 8th, and is part of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s #TaxJustice for Women’s Rights Global Days of Action, which will see women’s rights and tax justice activists, as well as trade unions, unite across the globe, with activities taking place across Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and at the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

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