SEP 30 2019
8:00AM - 6:00PM

Corporate Tax Research and Illicit Finance Training





Tax Justice Network Africa, the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre and Oxfam are organising a corporate Tax Research and Illicit Finance Training in Nairobi, Kenya from September 30 – October 1, 2019. This training is part of the Money Trail project ( and will take place two days ahead of the Pan African Conference on Illicit Financial Flows and Tax (Oct 1-3, 2019).

The two-day training aims to build research and advocacy capacity of participants on corporate tax and illicit financial flows. The methodology will be interactive and tailored towards the needs of Civil Society Organizations and individual activists to strengthen their advocacy and research work on illicit financial flows.

The program sessions will emphasize corporate tax dodging, abuse of tax policies and exposing illicit finance. The program will be delivered by a group of experts on corporate tax research and illicit financial flows. The participants will be drawn from various Civil Society Organizations across Africa that work on corporate tax and financial flows. The training also aims at strengthening regional collaboration and networking among Civil Society activists and journalists working on illicit financial flows. Please see attached a preliminary program agenda.

For more information, please contact by filling out and sharing back the attached survey to Joab OkandaJudith van Neck and Robert Ssuuna.


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