OCT 1 2019
9:00AM - 7:00PM

7th Pan-African conference on IFFS and Tax





Taxing Intangibles, Financial Technology (FinTech) and the Digitalised Economy

Trends, Challenges and Opportunities for Domestic Revenue Mobilisation in Africa.

The Pan Africa Conference in Illicit Financial flows and Taxation is an Annual convening that brings together key stakeholders involved in efforts to curb IFF and enhance domestic resource mobilisation in Africa. The platform draws together actors from governments, civil society, International organisations, legislators, media, academia and national campaigners to take stock of the current state of play Illicit Financial Flows agenda in Africa as well as progress made through global, regional and country level initiatives. The conference seeks also act as a platform to articulate problems and propose solutions and explore opportunities for collaboration and common action.

CALL FOR registration

Register online: Follow this link  https://panconfifftax.net/

Application deadline: 24/08/2019 


Inscription en ligne: Cliquez sur ce lien https://panconfifftax.net/

Délai de dépôt de candidature : 24/08/2019      

This year’s Conference is being co-convened by a number of organisations including; African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU), The African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD),  Financial Transparency Coalition (FTC), Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ), Action Aid, Oxfam, Coalition for Dialogue on Africa (CODA) and Trust Africa and will Provide an interactive forum for stakeholders to engage each other and deliberate on Africa specific policy progress, challenges and solution in curbing IFF resulting taxing an increasingly digitalised global economy.


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