NOV 16 2021

Launch – State of Tax Justice 2021





[English] Tax Justice Network (TJN), the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) and Public Services International (PSI) invite you for the launch of the State of Tax Justice 2021, annual report on the economic and social cost of international tax abuse. In the webinar we will discuss the research, share findings, and consider the impact on inequalities and human rights, and explore the national and international policy recommendations to support a just and lasting recovery.

[Español] Tax Justice Network (TJN), la Alianza Global por la Justicia Fiscal (GATJ) y Internacional de Servicios Públicos (PSI) le invitamos al lanzamiento del Estado de la Justicia Fiscal, informe anual sobre el costo económico y social del abuso fiscal internacional. En el webinario discutiremos la investigación, compartiremos hallazgos y consideraciones sobre el impacto en las desigualdades y los derechos humanos, y exploraremos las recomendaciones de políticas nacionales e internacionales para apoyar una recuperación justa y duradera.

Speakers | Panelistas

– Attiya Waris (UN Independent Expert on foreign debt, other international financial obligations, and human rights)
– Dereje Alemayehu (Global Alliance for Tax Justice)
– Alex Cobham (Tax Justice Network)
– Rosa Pavanelli (Public Services International)
– Pooja Rangaprasad (Society for International Development)
– Liz Nelson (Tax Justice Network)
– Miroslav Palanský (Tax Justice Network)
– Baba Aye (Public Services International)
– Jeannie Manipon (Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development)
– Rodolfo Bejarano (Latindadd)

Launch of the State of Tax Justice 2021
Date | Fecha: Tuesday, 16 November, at 2 pm London
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