Réunion du Groupe de travail GATJ “Justice fiscale & secteur extractif (Français)”

2e Réunion du groupe de travail francophone de l’Alliance globale pour la justice fiscale sur le thème “Justice fiscale & secteur extractif”, via skype.
Hotaire : 10H AM Washington/Québec = 14H Abidjan = 15H Tunis = 16H Bujumbura/Paris = 17H Madagascar/Nairobi.
Pour rejoindre le groupe, vous pouvez contacter Appolinaire Nishirimbere ou Marie Antonelle Joubert

Fair and Sustainable Taxation in the EU

Listen to our latest research findings on CCCTB, EU-own taxes, a sustainable tax collection, what defines equal, socially and environmentally sustainable taxation and more. Don’t miss this opportunity to take part in discussions on how to create sustainable European tax systems in the future!

“Preventing Tax Base Erosion in Africa” launch – London & Oxford

UK launch of “Preventing Tax Base Erosion in Africa: a Regional Study of Transfer Pricing Challenges in the Mining Sector,” a report recently published by the Natural Resource Governance Institute.
The event will include a presentation of the report, discussed by a panel of five experts from African tax administrations, international mining companies and civil society groups, followed by an open debate and a short cocktail reception.

4th Pan-African Conference on IFFs and Taxation

Tax Justice Network – Africa (TJN-A) together with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Tax Justice and Governance Platform – Nigeria are organising the Pan African Conference under the theme “Curbing IFFs to promote Africa’s Structural Transformation.” The conference will provide a platform to articulate IFF issues from an African

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