OCT 11 2016
9:00AM - 5:00PM

4th Pan-African Conference on IFFs and Taxation





Tax Justice Network – Africa (TJN-A) together with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Tax Justice and Governance Platform – Nigeria are organising the Pan African Conference under the theme “Curbing IFFs to promote Africa’s Structural Transformation.” The conference will provide a platform to articulate IFF issues from an African perspective within the context of Africa’s structural transformation. It will also open up space to continue strategising and mapping of a way forward with regard to implementing the recommendations of the High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa.

The two day conference will provide a platform to bring together key stakeholders from civil society, legislators, media, academia and national campaigners. It will create a space to take stock of the current state of Illicit Financial Flows on the continent as well as progress made in tackling IFFs through global, regional and country level initiatives. The conference will also act as a platform to articulate problems and propose solutions around Illicit Financial Flows against the backdrop of Africa’s structural transformation.

Contact information: Ms Crystal Simeoni – csimeoni@taxjusticeafrica.net

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