OCT 11 2019

Civil society policy forum of the Annual Meetings of the IMF and World Bank




Wednesday 16th October:

9.00-10.30am (EST). World Bank I Building, Room 2-210. Advancing a Feminist Approach to Women’s Economic Inequality, Fight Inequality Alliance, Femnet (African Women’s Development Communication Network), ActionAid, Public Services International

11.00am-12.30pm (EST) World Bank I Building, Room 5-040. Assessing Social and Gender Impacts in Development Policy Financing Bretton Woods Project, Eurodad, Bank Information Center Europe

Thursday 17th October:

9.00-10.30am, IMF HQ2, Room 03B-838B. The IMF and Inequalities: Tensions between Structural Adjustments and Structural Transformations Society for International Development, Center for Economic and Social Rights, Arab NGO Network for Development, Development Alternatives for Women for a New Era, Global Policy Forum, Third World Network, Social Watch, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

11.00am-12.30pm, World Bank I Building, Room 2-210. Sustainable Development Goals on Inequality and Work: Reviewing the alignment of IMF, World Bank, International Trade Union Confederation, Center for Economic and Social Rights, Bretton Woods Project, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

3.30-5.00pm, IMF HQ2 03B-838B. Cutting to the Core: Rethinking the IMF’s way of doing Business to tackle Gender Inequalities, Center for Economic and Social Rights, Oxfam

Friday 18th October:

11.00am-12.30pm, World Bank I Building, 2-210. The Status (Quo) of Women’s Empowerment in the MENA Region: Perspectives from the Field, Hands Along the Nile Development Services, Inc.

3.30-5.00pm, IMF HQ2 03B-838B. Reshaping Public Finance Policy to Ensure Quality Public Services, ActionAid International, ITUC, Eurodad, Jubilee Debt Campaign U.K., Global Tax Alliance for Tax Justice

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