JUN 20 - 22 2017
8:00AM - 5:00PM

Eurodad International Conference 2017





In a world of extreme inequality, widespread poverty, and environmental fragility, the need for alternatives has never been greater. The global economic crisis proved the fragility of the economic system and the model underpinning it. Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals are unlikely to be achieved without significant changes to this global economic model and the ideas and institutions underpinning it. Elections around the world are proving that there is widespread discontent across the political spectrum, and a willingness to consider radical alternatives.

This conference is a chance to link together our campaigns and set out alternative proposals for:

  • Finance: Alternatives to austerity. Better financing to protect global public goods, reduce inequality, eliminate poverty and save the planet.
  • Economic regulation: Alternatives to neoliberalism. Better ways of regulating the economy to make sure the public interest is at the centre and sustainable development is achieved.
  • Governance: Alternatives to the old global order. Improving the governance of the global economy to increase democracy, and promote sustainable development outcomes.

A full agenda will be circulated in January, when registration opens. Registration will close by end April 2017.

About: The Eurodad biennial conference is a leading forum for discussion, idea-sharing and collective strategising for civil society groups advocating for reform of development finance. The Eurodad conference will bring together leading civil society thinkers from around the globe working on issues ranging from debt, tax justice, aid, private finance, the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and global monetary reform.

Held at least every two years for over a decade, the conference allows Eurodad members, allies and partners to broaden understanding of key issues, identify and move forward on collective struggles, forge new alliances and meet inspiring people. Experts from academia and other leading thinkers will provide additional stimulus, and allow us to break out of our traditional habits when strategising and planning for the future.

This year, the Conference is co-hosted with ActionAid Netherlands, Both Ends, OIKOS, Oxfam Novib, SOMO

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