NOV 16 2015

Financial investigative journalism training course




Finance Uncovered (formerly known as the Illicit Finance Journalism Programme) equips journalists and researchers from all over the world with the skills to undertake tax abuse, money laundering and corruption investigations. This course will also draw the links between tax justice and human rights.

This training is organized by The Tax Justice Network and the Centre of Investigative Journalism, and participants should be journalists, campaigners and academics.

Over five days, you will be shown how to investigate corporate accounts, offshore activity and corporate corruption. You will learn where to find documents, how to analyse them and other practical tools to help uncover financial secrecy. A combination of hands-on training and guidance from senior practitioners will give you the basis to investigate financial corruption as well as offering the opportunity to network with other journalists.

The #FinanceUncovered course aims to help participants understand:

– the building blocks of the offshore world

– how to access and interpret company accounts

– where to access other company information

– the methodology behind the groundbreaking tax avoidance investigations into Google, SAB Miller and Vodafone – by the journalists who conducted them

– how to investigate and report corruption stories

– the steps required to keep safe and minimise personal risk

– how to track the international policy agenda relating to illicit financial flows

– how to use Freedom of Information laws in different jurisdictions

This course will take place in London from November 16 to November 20, 2015. There is no need to have a financial background to apply. Bursaries  are available. The deadline to apply is Wednesday 9 September.

Find out more here.

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