Online meeting of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s working group on Harmful Tax Practices.
For this working group meeting, we would like to exchange knowledge about the coming EU blacklist (and mention the recent CORPNET study on both conduit and sink tax havens), which will actually look at harmful tax practices of tax havens, about the recent OECD assessment of harmful tax practices and draw your attention on ActionAid report on spillover effect analysis.
Draft agenda:
- Recent assessment of harmful tax practices by the OECD
- The EU blacklist (due to be released on Dec 5th): what to expect and how to use that momentum ?
- ActionAid presentation of their report on tax spillover analysis ‘Stemming the spills’
For more information or to join the working group, please contact Aurore Chardonnet, EU Policy Advisor on Inequality and Taxation at the Oxfam EU Advocacy Office.