SEP 14 2020
12:00AM - 11:45PM

Global Days of Action – Tax Justice Amidst COVID-19-Induced Crisis





Join us in our Global Days of Action, from 14 to 17 September, to call for tax justice to overcome the crisis! 

With no end in sight, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect all aspects of human life. The UN has estimated that an additional 71 million people will be pushed back into extreme poverty in 2020, which will be the first rise in global poverty since 1998. Millions of informal workers lost their jobs and the earnings of those who could continue to work have declined by 60% globally in the first month of the crisis. According to Oxfam, more than 70% of healthcare workers are women — and it is also women who carry out more than 70% of unpaid work, performing three times as much unpaid work as men. The list of consequences of the pandemic is endless and our tax systems have been aggravating the existing inequalities. 

The COVID-19 pandemic presents us an opportunity to push for systemic changes and to create a different development model that values the people and the planet over profit and greed. It creates an opportunity to reimagine a global economy and international financial architecture that is anchored on social justice and substantive equality, which is not possible without tax justice.  

Read our concept note.

Global Days of Action
Tax Justice Amidst the COVID-19 Induced Crisis
14 to 17 September
To receive all information on our activities around the world, register here


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