NOV 3 2015

Global tax reform: the end of the beginning?




Taxation is firmly on the global agenda as a vital issue for developed and developing countries alike. The UK made tax one of the cornerstones of its G8 agenda when it hosted in 2013, and tax has rarely left the headlines since – whether through scandals such as ‘Luxleaks’, the revelation of corporate tax dodging leading to the introduction of the so-called ‘Google tax’, the UN Financing for Development (FfD) negotiations in Addis or, most recently, the publications of the OECD/ G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) action plans. As we move into a new phase in the international effort to ensure that rich and poor countries alike are able to raise a fair share of taxation from the companies operating within their borders, please join a panel of global experts from across the tax and development sector to discuss progress to date in tackling global tax dodging and the “race to the bottom”, and where the global reform agenda should go next in order to ensure that developing countries, in particular, are not missing out. Speakers include:

  • Professor Jose Antonio OcampoDirector of Economic and Political Development at Columbia University, former UN Under-Secretary-General and Minister of Finance of Colombia, nominee for President of the World Bank and Chair of the Independent Commission for the Reform of Corporate Taxation (ICRICT)
  • Stephen Twigg MPchair of the International Development Select Committee
  • Rev. Suzanne MataleOrdained Minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, General Secretary of the Council of Churches in Zambia, and member of ICRICT
  • Jane McCormickKPMG Head of Tax for EMA region (invited)
  • Government minister,(tbc)
  • Chaired by: Vanessa HoulderTax Correspondent for the FT


Please email by 27 October to reserve your place. Further details and full speaker listing will be available nearer the time.

Event organized by Action Aid, Christian Aid and Oxfam

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