MAR 13 2018

Tax and gender justice – empowering rural women in mining-affected communities




The Global Alliance for Tax Justice together with her committed partners including; Public Services International (PSI), Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), the Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR), the Tax Justice Network (TJN) and Christian Aid will co-host a side event at the 2018 UN CSW62 Conference:


World leaders have committed to reducing gender inequalities by 2030, but austerity measures, regressive tax policies and deep flaws in international financial architecture have facilitated tax dodging to the benefit of male-dominated corporations and the rich, with widespread race-to-the-bottom and tax giveaways—especially in the extractive industries, eroding domestic tax revenues and limiting funding for vital public services and social protection for rural women.
Emphasizing South perspectives, this session brings together tax justice and women’s rights activists to highlight links between gender and tax issues with a focus on rural women in mining-affected communities, and share strategies to end inequality.

GATJ and partners advocate for governments to: fix the broken global tax system, which undermines the rights of women and girls; establish a UN global tax commission where all governments have a seat at the table to decide international tax policies; apply a gender lens to both spending and raising taxes progressively to fund public services for all. Call for a legally binding instrument on business and human rights, harmonized with CEDAW and core international human rights treaties.

The event will take place at:
Date: 13-March
Time: 10:30 AM
Venue: Church Center for the United Nations
Room: Tenth Floor

Be sure to attend if you be in New York for the UN CSW62!

For more information, contact Caroline Othim of GATJ.


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