World Social Forum, Tunis




Join the Global Alliance for Tax Justice / Alliance mondiale pour la justice fiscale / Alianza Global por la Justicia Fiscal

For these events at the World Social Forum, Tunis March 24-28, 2015

Venue: University of Tunis El Manar

GATJ + WSF events 2015 – pdf

At the World Social Forum, Tunis March 24-28, 2015

Venue: University of Tunis El Manar

WSF workshops are co-organized by The Global Alliance for Tax Justice with our regional network members and committed partners including ActionAid, Oxfam, Christian Aid, and Public Services International.

Tax Justice and Financing for Development

Wed 25 March time TBC

The Global Alliance for Tax Justice with our regional network members and committed partners join Solidar and Global Progressive Forum in co-sponsoring this event. The GATJ speakers will outline our campaign focus on achieving support for progressive tax justice measures through the UN-Post 2015 Financing for Development process.

In these times of rising inequalities, civil society and progressive politicians need to use tax policies as tools for more social justice. At the same time, northern as well as southern countries face debt crises and imposed austerity policies, and look for new ways of relaunching their economies and balancing their national budgets, thus tackling tax fraud and tax evasion. In parallel, the international crisis has led to decreased budgets for financing development, and we need to look for new sources of revenue, such as taxing speculation through a financial transaction tax.

In what way does tax avoidance and evasion undermine development? How can we address tax avoidance? How to make corporations and people pay their taxes? How can we get the information to make sure the people are taxed where they make money? Is it necessary and fair to do a public international blacklist of evaders? Is it possible to do it? Who should be in charge of doing it? How do we resolve the problem of international transfer pricing by multinational cooperation? How can we know what corporations are doing and where they make profit? Which elements a common definition of “Tax Haven” should we have? Is possible fight against “tax havens” with bilateral agreements? Which standards should be used to consider a jurisdiction as a “Tax Haven”? Could be a good measure the publication of a blacklist of “tax havens” by a recognised international institution? How to finance development policies and social investments? Is it possible to achieve a global agreement to tax the financial sector? Who should lead this project? What is the challenge of international solidarity in times of global crisis?

Dereje Alemayehu, Global Alliance for Tax Justice and Senior Advisor for Tax Justice Network-Africa; Luckystar Miyandazi, East African Tax and Governance Network; Johnlyn Tromp, Oxfam South Africa; one MEP and a national politician (GPF); two Solidar speakers (NGO, Trade Unions); Antonio Gambini, CNCD 11.11.11. Moderator: Martin Hojsik, Action Aid

Women, Equality and Tax Justice

Thurs 26 March 11:30-2pm

Join the Global Alliance for Tax Justice and our members and committed partners from every region in the world for this important discussion on how we can achieve gender justice along with tax justice. The growing misuse of tax cuts, combined with austerity and privatization measures, is undercutting women’s progress toward economic and social equality. The resulting drop in tax revenues is used to justify cutting vital public services, jobs, and sustainable development funds. Around the world, the tax burden is being shifted from progressive taxes on corporate income to regressive consumption taxes (VAT/TVA) paid by common people. The rich are getting richer by designing and exploiting the loopholes of tax cuts, tax holidays, and tax havens. Women, particularly poor and indigenous women, are paying the heaviest price for these misguided policies.

Mae Buenaventura, Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development; Mariana Paoli, Christian Aid; Carol Othim, National Taxpayers Association Kenya; Zahra Bazzi, Arab NGO Network for Development. Moderator: Jane Nalunga, GATJ and SEATINI Uganda.

Promoting Tax Justice by Strengthening Global Tax Governance

Friday 27 March 9am-11:30am

This workshop is sponsored by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and co-organized with GATJ and our members and committed partners including PSI, Action Aid, Oxfam, Christian Aid, and with Global Policy, ANND, CNCD-11.11.11 and more.

International cooperation in tax matters has intensified in the last few years. Processes under the anti-BEPS framework at the OECD or G20 are proof of that. Nevertheless, countries in the global South that are suffering from the results of tax evasion and avoidance the most are still to a great deal marginalized and excluded from this. For the poor, this means losing vast amounts of resources, where they could have been allocated to sustainable development. While negotiations and decision-making have been taking place among the clubs of the powerful and behind closed doors, the countries of the Global South are reduced to bystanders and only a select view are invited to “consult and participate” in the deliberations of the OECD. Once again, global standards are being developed without equal representation of the people in developing countries, and with the majority of the world’s countries being excluded.

At the same time, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon calls for the establishment of an intergovernmental committee on tax cooperation under the auspices of the UN. Would such a committee foster dialogue and cooperation without marginalizing a majority of governments and people? Will this be a meaningful space outside the exclusive clubs of the OECD or the G20? The UN appears to be the natural place for this. But even more visionary solutions are conceivable. Join us for a panel discussion around these issues. With the Financing for Development Conference in Addis Ababa coming up in July, now is the time to set the course towards fighting tax avoidance and evasion by the rich and powerful corporations.

Jorge Coronado, La Red de Justicia Fiscal de America Latina y el Caribe; Jane Nalunga, SEATINI Uganda; Ziad Abdel Samad, Arab NGO Network for Development; Jean Letitia Saldanha, CIDSE; Wolfgang Obenland, Global Policy Forum. Moderator: Teresa Marshall, Global Alliance for Tax Justice

We Need Tax Justice to End Inequality – convergence assembly

Friday 27 March 11:30am -2pm

Together with members and allies from Africa and the MENA region, Asia, Latin America, North America and Europe, the Global Alliance for Tax Justice jointly co-convenes this tax justice convergence assembly at FSM/WSF 2015. Communities are invited to help build the first global umbrella campaign to make multinational corporations pay their fair share of tax, and to ensure our governments invest the funds in public services and the environment to end inequality and poverty.

This is also a vital moment for the international tax justice movement to unite to influence the outcomes of the United Nations Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals ‘Financing for Development’ process. This fiscal justice discussion includes addressing human rights and gender equity. Achieving “tax justice for social justice” requires supporting the work of national coalitions, strengthening regional activities and coordinating action on major issues at the global level. Ending tax havens and illicit financial flows and developing effective national tax administrations and fair international tax standards count among the long-term challenges.

Open discussion circle chaired by Dereje Alemayehu, Global Alliance for Tax Justice

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