During ATTAC’s European Summer University for Socail Movements, an all-day 3-session seminar on Tax Justice is organized by Attac France, Attac Germany, Somo, EPSU, Attac Finland, Initiative for Democratic Socialism, Solidaires finances publiques, CGT finance and UNSP Finances (French tax administration unions)
This seminar will have three sessions :
9 h – 11 h: «Why the existing tax systems are increasing inequality ?»
11 h 15 – 13 h 15: «What changes are required to promote tax justice ?»
14 h 15 – 16 h 15: How should we organize ? Citizens actions & European mobilisations for tax justice
Dermot Brown (Public Service Executive Union (PSEU), Ireland)
Vincent Drezet (Solidaires Finances Publiques, France)
Omar Elbegawy (Attac Finland)
Aubry Mairiaux (UNSP Finances, Belgium)
Lara Otonicar (Initiative for Democratic Socialism IDS, Slovenia)
This activity aims at building, strengthening or organising networks.
English, French