• Jul 14 2017
  • 11:00am
  • Venue new york

African-Caribbean Cross-Regional Exchange on Heterodox and Feminist Policy for Sustainable Development

This event will officially launch a series of heterodox and feminist policy papers issued by Regions Refocus and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Regionally specific to the Caribbean and Africa, the papers offer concrete policy recommendations to achieve sustainable development through heterodox and feminist proposals.

​The event will be co-organized by Regions Refocus​ and​ Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung​, with Arab NGO Network for Development; Institute of Law and Economics, University of Technology, Jamaica​; Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies ​(SALISES), University of the West Indies – Cave Hill ​;​ South Centre ;​ and Third World Network-Africa​. 

A keynote address will be delivered by Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (TBC), following presentations by the authors on the following policy proposals:
• Policy Alternatives to the Current and Coming Debt Crisis Don Marshall, Sir Arthur Lewis, Institute of Social and Economic Studies, University of the West Indies: Cave Hill, Barbados
• The Caribbean and Climate Change: Challenges for Development and Social and Gender Equity Mariama Williams, South Centre
• North Africa’s Trade Arrangements: Complementarities and Contradictions with the Continental Free Trade Area, Mohamed Said Saadi, Arab NGO Network for Development
• Agriculture, Rural Livelihood, and Structural Economic Transformation in Africa, Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei, Third World Network-Africa
• Sustainable Development, Fiscal Policy and Participatory Democracy in the Caribbean, Rosalea Hamilton, Institute for Law and Economics, University of Technology, Jamaica.

RSVP by July 11th by email