• Jul 25 - 26 2017
  • 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Venue nairobi, kenya

Mobilizing Trade Unions to join the #TaxJustice Campaign


Public Services International and Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung are organizing a two-day workshop in Nairobi, Kenya on 25th and 26th July 2017 to create a forum that brings together trade Unions and other stakeholders to develop a national campaign on illicit financial flows. The event will bring together, the event organizers, PSI affiliated Unions, non-affiliates, the trade Union national centre including civil society organization.

Why Now?

The contribution of civil society organizations in Kenya in the IFFs campaigns cannot be over emphasized. Tax Justice Network Africa, Actionaid Kenya and other stakeholders have made great contributions. What is rather not coming through strongly is the participation of trade unions. At the global level, however, Trade Unions and CSOs have collaborated effectively and this is very evident in several actions. The national level is where the collaboration has not been effective.

There is a common understanding among stakeholders that the campaign can be won when civil society organizations work together closely and effectively with trade unions and other interest groups. What the strategy has been so far, is to establish a tax justice platform that involves Unions, CSOs and other interest groups, at the national level. A platform that brings together trade unions, csos and other interest groups to develop national campaign strategies. 

Against this backdrop, the PSI/FES tax justice meeting in Kenya will seek to create the forum that brings together trade Unions and other stakeholders to develop a national campaign on illicit financial flows. 


  1. Generally, create awareness among PSI affiliates and other stakeholders in Kenya about the issue of illicit financial flows.
  2. Educate participants on the role of tax in development and social justice such as creating employment and funding public services such as education, healthcare, energy, water and infrastructure.
  3. Support affiliates to develop action plan for a national campaign that contributes to the fight against illicit financial flows in Kenya.
  4. Establish a trade union tax justice platform which subsequently enables affiliates play active role in existing Tax Justice platforms in Kenya.

“The contribution of civil society organizations in Kenya in the IFFs campaigns cannot be over!”


Daniel Oberko, Tax Justice Organizer, PSI

Savior Mwamba, Campaign Manager – Tax Power, Action Aid, South Africa

Caroline Othim, Policy Coordinator, Global Alliance for Tax Justice

Alivin Mosioma, Executive Director, Tax Justice Network Africa

Linda Asena, Executive Director, CIVIC 38