• Oct 9 2018
  • 6:00pm
  • Venue austria

Panel discussion: Tax policy in contradiction to development policy?


Tax policy in contradiction to development policy? 

Panel discussion (in English and partly in German language)

The event is organised by Global Responsibility, the Austrian Platform for development and humanitarian aid, and the Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC).

Based on the presentation of the paper “Tax policy in contradiction to development policy? Tax justice and the role of global corporations” and its recommendations to the Austrian government the panelists will discuss  along the following questions:

Does the Austrian tax policy support or hinder the realisation of development objectives like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

How could the Austrian tax policy be shaped and how can policies be coordinated so that development objectives can be realised?


  • Presentation of the paper “Tax policy in contradiction to development policy? Tax justice and the role of global corporations”, Sophie Vessel, Global Responsibility, and Martina Neuwirth, Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC)

Panel discussion:

The event will be moderated by Petra Navara. A translation of the english statements into German language will be available via headphones (limited number). After the event guests will be invited to a small buffet. Please be aware that fotos will be made and might be published  for the documentation of the event. 

Please register until 4 October at veranstaltungen@globaleverantwortung.at.

Link to a more detailed invitation in German: https://www.globaleverantwortung.at/podiumsdiskussion-steuer-und-entwicklungspolitik-im-widerspruch-was-die-unternehmensbesteuerung-in-oesterreich-mit-entwicklung-zu-tun-hat