GATJ Opens Call for Registration of Activities for Campaign on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2023


8 Feb 2023



8 Feb 2023


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Preparing for the 7th edition of the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights, which will take place from 6 to 17 March 2023 under the banners “Women Demand: Tax Wealth Now!” and “Feminists for Wealth Taxes Now!”, the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) invites civil society organisations, activists and academics in the economic justice and gender justice movements to submit their activities for the campaign programme. 

To send your proposals of activities, please use this form

The deadline for submissions is 17 February 2023.


About the campaign

The GDOA on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights is a joint initiative of GATJ’s regional networks – Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia (TAFJA), Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe (RJFALC), Tax Justice-Europe (TJ-E), FACT Coalition and Canadians for Tax Fairness – and Tax and Gender Working Group. The campaign aims to raise the visibility of tax issues affecting women worldwide; and integrate tax justice as part of the broader struggles for gender equality and women’s rights. 

This year, the GDOA will focus on the call for the urgent adoption of wealth taxes to ensure the realisation of women’s rights, advancement of gender equality, and the empowerment of women and girls. For more information about the campaign, read the concept note available in English, Spanish and French


Register for the GATJ’s events

GATJ will host three main events, for which registrations are already open:

#1 – Launch event – GDOA Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2023

The GATJ’s annual campaign will start with an online event gathering representatives from the alliance’s regional networks. Speakers will bring perspectives about the impact of fiscal policies on women in their continents, and share how wealth taxes could advance gender equality. 

Date: Monday, 6 March
Time: 2 to 3 pm Central European time

#2 – Parallel event at the UNCSW67 – Digital Frontiers for Feminist Tax Justice

In this parallel event to the UNCSW67, organised by the members of the GATJ’s Tax and Gender Working Group, the panellists will critically examine the possibilities that digital services taxes and the advancing digitalisation within tax authorities offer for stronger representation and increased revenue as two pivotal elements of  tax justice for women’s rights. They will also expound on the feminist dimensions of the current debates around addressing the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy, focusing on the global tax deal advanced by the OECD and the proposals to shift international tax reform negotiations to the UN. 

Date: Monday, 6 March
Time: 8:30 pm Central European time

#3 – Final gathering

To close off the GDOA on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights 2023, the members of the GATJ’s Tax and Gender Working Group will share highlights of the campaign actions, reflect on the CSW67 outcomes and launch a position paper on Digital Frontiers for Feminist Tax Justice.

Date: Friday, 17 March
Time: 10 to 11 am Central European time

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