TJNA Facilitates Training in Zambia to Influence an Inclusive Tax Cooperation Framework


4 Apr 2023



4 Apr 2023


GATJ’s founding member Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), together with Norwegian Church Aid, Oxfam in Zambia, and Save the Children Zambia, have started today (4 April 2023) a capacity-building session in Zambia aimed at driving change in the United Nations (UN) tax convention advocacy program.

The three-day training aims to educate the trainees on issues related to tax transparency, accountability, and double taxation agreements that have compromised the development ambitions of low-income countries and their ability to achieve SDGs. Additionally, civil society organisations actors, alliances, and networks will be provided with the necessary skills and knowledge to engage in effective advocacy, promoting tax transparency and accountability, and ensuring that multinational corporations and wealthy individuals pay their share of taxes.

Zambia, which is one of the six African countries that sit on the UN Tax Committee, will be empowered to advocate for a UN tax convention with the country’s government, addressing the challenges faced by the global tax architecture and promote inclusivity in global taxation. At the end of the training, a national roadmap and advocacy plan for accelerating the UN tax convention agenda, which will influence an inclusive tax cooperation framework through the UN system is expected to be achieved and implemented.

For more details about participation, please contact TJNA’s policy assistant Everlyn Muendo.

Photo Credit: The International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development

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