OCT 19 - 20 2017
9:00AM - 4:00PM

Tax Justice Europe meeting





On the day before the meeting, Oct 18, we will meet to finalize this year’s Stop Tax Dodging report. All those who are contributing with a national chapter will be warmly urged to attend, and others who are interested are also welcome. The meeting will start at 12.00 and end at 18.00.

We’re also looking at arranging a special meeting for CEE partners in the same week, so if you are from a CEE country, please wait with booking your tickets – we will send more information to CEE partners as soon as we have final confirmation.

We are in the process of finalizing the booking of a meeting room, and will write again as soon as this is sorted (hopefully tomorrow), so that you can find good accommodation.

Meanwhile, when booking your flights, please do consider coming 1-2 days early, so that you get a chance to participate in the UN Tax Committee meeting (Tuesday 17-Friday 20). We’ve checked with the UN, and if you register everyone should be welcome. You can find the provisional agenda of the tax committee meeting here.

We will send out draft agendas for civil society meetings asap. Furthermore, we’re looking into the possibility of arranging a side event at the UN, and, if possible, set up a meeting with some of the people from the UN Tax Committee on the side – more information to come.

  • Register for the civil society meetings by clicking here
  • Register for the UN Tax Committee meeting by clicking here  


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