Amazon back tax bill: “Fix the tax system!” says Eurodad

Reacting to yesterday’s European Commission decision to hit Amazon with a bill of €250 million in unpaid taxes in Luxembourg, Global Alliance for Tax Justice’s regional member Eurodad (the European Network for Debt and Development) welcomed the move but called for action to fix the system.

“The European Commission’s case against Luxembourg and Amazon adds yet another example to the long list of corporations which use loopholes to avoid taxes,” said Tove Maria Ryding, Tax Coordinator at Eurodad. “Whilst we welcome the Commission’s action, it makes no sense to tackle these cases one by one – we need to fix the tax system so that all corporations pay their fair share of taxes in the first place. It’s also time to let citizens see how much multinational corporations actually pay in taxes in their countries.”

Oxfam published this creative campaign sharegraphic, a meme of Amazon’s catalogue presenting a fictive book titled “Getting Away With It – Tax Dodging for Global Corporations”, with their campaign call: “How many more tax scandals before governments #EndTaxHavens?”

See also ETUC, the European Trade Unions Confederation’s reactions: “No to tax dodging, no to sweetheart deals!”