Applications Open for Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator







The Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) is looking to hire a policy advocacy and campaigns coordinator on contract for a two-year period. 


GATJ is a Southern-led coalition directed by its regional tax justice networks. Together we work for a world where fair and transparent tax policies counteract inequalities within and between nations and generate the public funding needed to ensure human rights, including the rights of women and vulnerable groups, a healthy and sustainable environment, strong social protection floors and quality public services for the common good of all. 

This role is remote and based within the GATJ Secretariat, and works in cooperation with our Coordination Committee (CC) and regional networks: Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia (TAFJA), Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe (RJFALC), Tax Justice-Europe (TJ-E), FACT Coalition and Canadians for Tax Fairness.


The job responsibilities will mainly involve the implementation and coordination of the project “tax justice for inclusive recovery”: 

  • Develop and organise advocacy to influence policy outcomes in favour of urgent measures that will reduce illicit financial flows and tax dodging, as well as generate additional public resources to alleviate impacts of the socio-economic crises on those living in poverty and marginalised for an inclusive recovery
  • Establish and nurture alliances and enhance collaboration with initiatives like “people’s vaccine” to address the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on those living in poverty in the Global South
  • Coordinate activities in the Global South to enable their convergence at the global level for improved outcomes in favour of developing countries 
  • Create and disseminate intersectional messages across Africa, Asia, and LAC for global impact
  • Organise regular virtual and face to face meetings of implementing members in the Global South to enable experience sharing and coordination 
  • Coordinate and amplify the needs and voices of the South regarding the additional challenges created by the pandemic triggered crises in global international tax reform processes 
  • Work with GATJ members and allies to expose the pitfalls and disadvantages for the Global South emanating from making rich country deals a universal agreement outside the UN system for raising revenue needed for inclusive recovery 


Strategy development and policy analysis skills

  • Knowledge and analytic skills in tax justice and economic justice issues 
  • The ability to diplomatically support the work of regional member networks and contribute to crucial campaigns to challenge corporate power and promote tax justice. You respond and adapt quickly to processes and structures involving a complex geographic, socio-economic and cultural diversity
  • Strong facilitation and communication skills, and the ability to steer the process of developing new policy positions, in close cooperation with members and allies
  • Extensive experience in policy analysis/research and tax/economic justice policy advocacy at a high level
  • Strong organisational skills and experience with organisational development. You are able to provide policy support to the GATJ CC and coordinate the strategic development of the organisation
  • Project management skills are highly appreciated
  • High proficiency in English; other UN language(s) is an added advantage 

Relationship building and networking skills

  • The candidate is expected to build strong internal and external relationships and trust to facilitate ways of working in a globally networked organisation that enable policy and advocacy initiatives to thrive and produce significant impact 
  • Main internal relationships are with the GATJ CC and other Secretariat members, plus our regional members, working groups and other platforms we are involved in  
  • The candidate will contribute to strengthening key external relationships with committed partners and other INGOs, allies and CSO platforms acting globally, with UN bodies, other global, bilateral and multilateral development agencies, and funders  


Please send your cover letter and CV to with the subject line “Policy Advocacy and campaigns coordination – Your name” until 24 April 2022. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.


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