Canada: A vote for Tax Fairness







Canadians for Tax Fairness has released a campaign to ensure that Canadian voters are informed about tax issues, with the aim of busting some myths about tax cuts, expose revenue losses due to tax havens and  tax loopholes and present tax fairness as a positive alternative.

The campaign emphasizes that wisely spent, tax revenues are a powerful nation-builder. But if multinationals and the wealthy are allowed to scam the system then we lose billions of dollars. That money belongs to healthcare, education, infrastructure and many other things that are Canada’s strength. They propose six ways to help:

  1. Put up a Tax Fairness Billboard in every community

Can your community or local group get a small contribution from 50 people? Then you are on your way to some real action. Billboard rentals range from $1000 to $3000 per month.  Local unions could also be asked for a donation. Need more help? Contact Canadians for Tax Fairness at [email protected].

  1. Organize a Screening of The Price We Pay

Canadians for Tax Fairness has negotiated a special rate of $200 for community screenings of the award-winning Canadian documentary film, The Price We Pay. It exposes how offshore tax havens are undermining the middle class. The screening can be followed by a panel discussion where the Vote for Tax Fairness campaign can be promoted.  A representative from Canadians for Tax Fairness would be happy to participate, subject to time and travel limitations. The film’s director, Harold Crooks, has also offered to do Skype interviews. Here’s more information including a trailer.

  1. Share Fact Sheets

Knowledge is power. has one-page fact sheets on, and propose citizens to share them with friends, family and local candidates:

  1. Send a Letter to Your Newspaper

You can find many opinion pieces and blogs at: and use them as part of a letter to your local paper or in the comments section of your favorite online news page.

  1. Send a Message to Party Leaders

Send an email to party leaders asking them to commit to tax fairness policies in their election platforms.You can do this online at:

  1. Donate

Please consider helping out with a small donation to Canadians for Tax Fairness. You can donate online at:

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