Last Friday (September 30th), the French Assembly confirmed the adoption of what French NGOs call a “useless public Country-by-Country-Reporting”: the text, which is almost confirmed, “looks like a fill-in the gaps exercise”, they argue in their policy note (in French).
Earlier this year, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, ONE, Oxfam France, Peuples solidaires-ActionAid France, who partner with several other French NGOs in a national Platform on tax and law havens (Plateforme Paradis Fiscaux et Judiciaires) published the report « Lutte contre l’évasion fiscale : il est urgent d’agir en faveur de la transparence » (in French).
Interesting to mention is that this selling-out happens when French newspaper publishes a month-long investigation on (French and other) companies evading taxes in Luxembourg – investigating Engie today, of which the French State holds 33% of the capital!
Picture © Assemblée nationale France