Latin American & Caribbean network convenes its 4th Biennial Assembly in Buenos Aires

Global Alliance for Tax Justice regional network member in Latin America and the Caribbean, Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y El Caribe (RJF), extends its formal invitation to its Fourth Biennial Assembly, an activity to be held in the city of Buenos Aires during the second week of December this year (5 to 9).

This year, RJF has the valuable institutional support of SES Foundation and as on previous occasions, the Assembly is part of a week-long scheduled #TaxJustice activities:

  • Dec. 5 & 6: Meeting with regional parliamentarians “Towards an Inclusive Development Agenda” where issues related to tax justice will be addressed.
  • Dec. 7 & 8 (12AM): Fourth Red de Justicia Fiscal América Latina y El Caribe Biennial Assembly. 
  • Dec. 8 (PM) & 9: Multi-actors meeting. A space that seeks to promote debate and consolidation of alliances with trade unions, social and academic movements, among others, on aspects related to tax justice.

The network will also be renewing its secretariat in Buenos Aires.

You can Follow the Red de Justicia Fiscal on FacebookTwitter and on their new campaign page Paguen Lo Justo!